To improve the financial situation and find out stability helps to amulet from Vanga on luck and money. Tips oracle are characterized by simplicity of execution and does not require special magical knowledge, to manage otherworldly forces, which will be able to later pick up all your possessions. It is easy to perform in home conditions.

General recommendations
A Talisman for luck and money, is a kind of mousetrap. Attracts positive energy and preventing it. Collecting a money magnet, pay attention to the naturalness of the material. Ideal — stone, suitable for a horoscope or figure of the relevant year of birth, made of silver, gold or wood. A strong appeal of having old coins.
The plot read at the stage of the growing moon or full moon. His clothes in the name of a particular person. The main thing is that reading the plot, believe in its effectiveness and compliance with the rules of conduct with the money.
Coins for good luck
Wang offers to make the amulet of the coin. Take a coin, salt, holy water. In the evening open the window. Water pour into a glass, set it on the window sill. Liquid salt, tossing him the coin. Start reading conspiracy:
"The house — a full cup, it's mine, not yours. How is the water salty sea rich in fish, and precious stones, so my cottage is rich money yes different benefits. Similar similar attracted, we get to the money tie. Told anyone about it".
In the coin pass the rope green color. It is worn under clothing on the neck. Regularly charged mascot of moonlight.
Safety pin for good luck and protection
How to save money and luck, we need the amulets. Switching a pin from the foreign envy saves and helps to draw into the house of wealth. We select the beautiful new pin from a natural metal: iron, gold, silver. Before starting the ritual of reading a prayer to St. Nicholas. Conspiracy to obtain the money you need to read on the full moon:
"As a switching pin, the acute prick, yes hurt, so my enemy can't get to. She will bring me luck, money, leaves, wealth from prying eyes hide. Hey my depends on it".
Pin worn in a visible place. Change of clothes, the predominant attribute. Regularly forget to charge the pin moonlight and cleaned under running water from the accumulated negative energy. Wang convinces in the fact that such an amulet is able to bring happiness in all areas of life and protect from evil.
Luck stone to attract wealth
Cash conspiracy Vanga on the bread allows you to draw well-being and loyal friends. She thought that without the positive people it is impossible to become happier and attract the life flows right energy. The ritual be carried out early in the morning: it is the right time to begin the life with new sheet.
You will need:
- pan;
- water;
- bread;
- pebble, suitable for the sign of the zodiac.

In a saucepan pour the water, the inside of the bread place the stone and begin to the floor in a whisper read:
"Whatever happens, there is no escape. Me good happened in the home of tranquility. Wheat grows high, a lot of bread for dinner. As the rain dust yes washes away the dirt, so I wash it all yes, a new day I start, a friend of a good into the house I will bring".
From the edge of the bite piece so that the stone got into his mouth. Bread, chewed, and stone, spit it out. Wash the ice with water. The remaining bread is shared among family members. The crumbs give the birds. The stone is put in the purse, always worn together. It was he, and will amuletom.
On luck in business
Tips Vanga allow you to attract good luck in business, using a unique amuleta. It is to be in new moon. They take the bread, inside put the silver paint a dog, to put under the moon so as to turn out the light. Begins to read:
"At the merchant-daredevil all in the store thrive. It is the buyer attracted, bread fresh baked. They ran to the taste, have become exactly the number of leave do not want. On the other stores do not go. Only they got to me, it is just my own take".
In this evening I can't talk. Go into the house and goes to sleep. In the morning, when he opens his eyes, eat a piece of bread, the rest they take with them. Feeding the birds, they give a piece of the homeless in the vicinity of the temple. Amulet cut, put on the neck, not off, even when they bathe, for 40 days.
The wealth in the house
Cash conspiracy on the well-being in the house reading on the growing moon. In this case, the mascot becomes a bay leaf. To start you will need:
- personally baked breads;
- the whole box of salt;
- bay leaf;
- green paper rope from natural material.
When it gets dark, sitting alone at the table, lit a church candle. In the bread and doing a hole in it, insert a bay leaf threaded through the inside of the rope, sprinkle with salt. Read the plot:
"A grain of gold to rise, solar energy ate. The bread was tasty, soft, I live in abundance. Eat with salt, the wealth multiplies. Money account always know. Bread with salt is here now, it means that the money in the house always there is".
The action takes place on an empty stomach. After reading eat a piece of a loaf with salt, left not a crumb. A piece of eat, carefully chewing with pleasure. Attracting money into the house hung in the kitchen spikelets of wheat. Bay leaf on a string put into the wallet — it will be a talisman of wealth.
A new purse
Using the tips Vanga, actually increase the wealth and to dispose of the right to squander wasted. When buying a new wallet, choose the most spacious, comfortable. It must be beautiful. Carefully check the locks, otherwise the money will flee. Wallet — this is an amulet that is able to attract or reflect the cash flows, depending on how you treat him.
Successful will purchase the purse in the middle of the week, in the stage of growing of the moon, in the eve of new year holidays. Select bills of any denomination, to which the license plate will symbolize the number of the day of birth. On the eve of the evening before buying, talk this we get:
"Spikelets all from one grain to grow, so from the one I get the money next the sea. There is no need for them to wander at will. I gave them a house to buy, all I can find. Everyone on the cell to allocate. A house like a fortress, money collects yes before not in vain shall be issued".

Talisman for success in work
In order to improve things at work, how to get more money, they make a bad luck amulet. We select the wooden paint, it symbolizes the signs of the Zodiac. In the afternoon, before getting the salaries they read the plot, holding paint in your hand:
"(Name, designation) I am lucky to work bring. How much money do I get home with fast downloads. On the road no one is meeting, the enemy is not welcome. Wealth save, from purchases of a silly run. The full bowl is good, I'm wiped out and fun, where I'm going, money everywhere I can find".
Salary to bring home. Count the money, place them in one place. Spend the savings should be only up to 24 hours. Going shopping, write a list and say:
"I think that buying something that is needed in the house. Is not planned do not buy, money is in reserve I will leave".
Your sign of the Zodiac is worth it to carry with you always: now it attracts money. Exactly a year to repeat the ritual to increase the strength of the amulet.
Prayer for activation of the amuleta
Using the prayer really strengthen the actions amuleta. Appeal to Nicholas the Wonderworker helps to improve the financial situation and avoid problems at work:
"Prayer is my most honest. On your mercy I seek refuge. Nicholas I can praise you, a thing his righteous." Show me your miracle, is honest and conquered the will. Make all the instructions, I get a morale — from them even for a step, and I'll always be in the money".
Prayer over the amulet to read the floor a whisper.
Return to financial well-being possible, if they are near people who can come to the rescue in a difficult moment and bad luck amulet from the fortune-teller Vanga. Talk to the mascot — how do you ensure success in the higher forces. Draw money is able to positively tempered man. Eternally gnawing the people themselves is by repelling.